These ads are for a company called Be Our Guest. The business is a hybrid of Airbnb and Bumble BFF. The target market wants to stay in a Greek house or apartment, but they also want to make a connection with someone who has similar interests to them. The intended audience would include both males and females, within a wide age range (e.g. age 25 to 75), but they would need to have the necessary finances to afford an overseas trip with these extras.
The main constraints on this project were to ensure that the ads would be able to fit in narrow, but long spaces in the newspaper. Also, the ads had to be “teasers”, meaning that they should intrigue the intended audience just enough so that they will visit the website.
This ad is meant to catch the attention of an artist or art lover. They would live with a Greek potter and learn how traditional pottery is made. Note that a different typeface, Gello Fasolada Regular, is used to emphasize the word “Greek”. It also gives the audience just a hint of the exotic trip that awaits them.
Here we see a traditional Greek lyre, and an appeal to music lovers. Anyone who loves music, especially international or folk music, will be enticed by the idea of staying with a Greek musician. They may want to listen to music or perhaps learn to play a traditional instrument.
Greek food is very popular. Living with a Greek chef and being able to try traditional recipes, and discover how to recreate them will appeal to many in the target market. Note the use of black and white in these ads, necessary so that they can be used in non-colour publications.
It’s important that these ads be placed in the right areas in the newspaper. They do not belong in hard news or sports sections, for example. The culture section, on the other hand, is an example of perfect ad placement.
Platform: Print
Software Programs:
*All assets, with the exception of the “Be Our Guest” logo, are created by Rebecca Saloustros